The Centralia Downtown Association’s 10th Annual Lighted Tractor Parade dazzled downtown Centralia on Saturday, December 14th. See and relive the parade!
I was honored to announce the parade for my 6th year. The parade has grown tremendously since it first started 10 years ago and I don’t see the size or quality going down.

A beautiful night at the 2019 – 10th Annual Lighted Tractor Parade, Centralia, WA hosted by the Centralia Downtown Association. I was happily pulling double-duty as a host of the Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP Christmas Party and announcer of the Parade with KELA / KMNT Radio.
Thank you to the City of Centralia staff, CDA, KELA/KMNT, Amanda Baker McDougall, Colleen Stewart, and all the organizers and Volunteers making the Centralia Lighted Tractor Parade an annual success.