Stronger Families. Stronger Communities. Stronger Washington

This week, Peter Abbarno delivered meals to Lewis County Seniors in Toledo; supporting the many seniors impacted by COVID-19 and the Stay Home Orders.

I’ve been involved by helping and supporting the Lewis County Seniors since their inception as a seprate organization apart from the County. Meeting seniors in Toledo and delivering meals was rewarding, but also a reminder of the needs that are sill in our community; especially for those who are vulnerable or on fixed incomes. In just two hours in Toledo, we delivered meals to 40 seniors, including 3 newly registered seniors.

Thank you to Glenda Forga, staff, volunteers, supporters, and the Lewis County Seniors Board. Countless hours go into planning and managing all the Lewis County Senior programs.

Peter Abbarno, Centralia City Mayor Pro-tem and Candidate for State House of Representatives in the 20th Legislative District.

The Lewis County Seniors organization is important to our community by offering both nutritional and enrichment programs in Lewis County. Unfortunately much of enrichment has been curtailed. After county funding cuts, the Lewis County Seniors formed a 501(c)(3) organization to continue serving the vital needs of our community; including nutritional programs.

There are tremendous benefits to supporting our Lewis County Seniors. Our seniors built and contributed so much to our community and I believe providing for their wellbeing is the right thing to do. It is also the fiscally responsible thing to do, because we know that nutritional and enrichment programs are highly effective preventative measures to maintaining the quality of life and health of our senior community.

Peter Abbarno, Centralia City Councilmember and host of AM1470 KELA’s Let’s Talk About It show.

Listen to Peter Abbarno with Col. Ron Averill, President of the Lewis County Seniors, and Glenda Forga, Executive Director of the Lewis County Seniors, on AM1470 KELA Radio prior to COVID-19

Supporting Lewis County Seniors!

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