The 4th of July is a time to share with family, friends, and your community to celebrate our country, our freedom, our history, and our independence. This year the #ElectPeterAbbarno campaign honored our First Responders!
I want to thank everyone involved in the Centralia Summerfest celebration for the efforts and dedication to making this annual holiday a success. We had a huge turnout for my campaign and the parade. The support of 30 walkers was pleasantly overwhelming.
It was great to honor our First Responders who do so much for our community. We loved flying the American Flag and flags honoring our Police and Fire!
My family is very thankful for our family, friends, loved ones, and community that came out to support my campaign. After serving breakfast at Fort Borst Park in the morning, joining in the festivities and games, our family was joined by 30 volunteers at the Summerfest Parade.
It truly was an #OrangeCrush for the #ElectPeterAbbarno campaign.
Thank you to the Ahrens, Bailey, Crowson, Gordon, Gruginski, Alvarez, Price, Soderquist families, and everyone who participated in the parade with my family! We appreciate you and your support. It was a lot of fun!!
The day was filled with amazing people and a true celebration of our country. I am always impressed with the way our community comes together to support one another.
Over the past four years, my family and our friends and supporters have had a great time at community events and parades. I look forward to continuing the annual tradition. Please consider supporting my campaign this year and in the future by visiting