I am looking forward to our annual community-wide cleanup in Centralia and beyond. For many years, the Abbarno family has participated in Earth Day cleanups and Community-Wide cleanups to better our neighborhood and City.

It is important to encourage participation, but even more so, it is important to be an example through participation. Our community gets better, gets cleaner, and gets closer by joining the cleanup! Here are some local events:
- Seminary Hill Spring Cleanup on May 4th at 10am at Seminary Hill;

- Centralia Cleanup is every Saturday at 9am at the Exit 81 Park-n-Ride;

- Centralia Downtown Association Spring Cleanup on April 28, May 4, and May 5 at Noon at the CDA office on North Tower;

- City of Centralia Cleanup and FREE Bags and Disposal on May 4th from Noon – 3:00pm at Centralia City Hall!
Organized cleanup events are fun! I encourage individuals, families, and businesses to work on keeping their neighborhood and community clean all year long!