Stronger Families. Stronger Communities. Stronger Washington

Thank you Amanda Wall Mills and Kevin Mills, owners of Hive 5 Bees and Pacific Northwest Honey Co., for hosting our Rochester ‘Bee the Difference’ Candidate Meet-and-Greet with myself, Representative Dan Griffey and Travis Couture.

I appreciate all the attendees, including Vote Vivian Eason and Re-Elect John Snaza for Thurston County Sheriff giving us Thurston County updates. It is a very important year to return your Ballots and support our candidates. Learn more about supporting the Washington State House Republicans at

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Keep our forests working for us!

The Washington State House of Representatives recently held committee meeting prior to the start of the 2025 Legislative Session. During the House Capital Budget meeting, Rep. Abbarno had the opportunity to discuss the benefits of working forests with outgoing...