Stronger Families. Stronger Communities. Stronger Washington

Deb Collinsworth joined me on AM1470 KELA Radio to discuss the Target Zero Program and this weekend’s patrol on April 20th, in honor of her daughter Cheyllyn, who tragically lost her life due to a driver under the influence of marijuana. April 20th also happens to be Deb’s Birthday!

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Peter Abbarno and Deb Collinsworth discuss safe and sober driving on KELA’s “Let’s Talk About It” show.

“Thank you Peter for having me as your guest on your radio show,” said Deb Collinsworth. “It was an honor to speak about my daughter and the importance of the Target Zero program which this weekends emphasis will be dedicated to Cheyllyn. It is important to me to keep advocating the effects of consuming marijuana is the same as alcohol. If you consume, don’t drive.”

Last year, my law firm Althauser Rayan Abbarno created a scholarship through the Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce for a Centralia or Chehalis Senior interested in a career in teaching. The event is on May 16th and interested students can apply on or before May 3rd at

For the first three months of 2019, WSDOT reported 123 vehicles involved in alcohol or drug related collisions in the State of Washington with 85 involving fatalities or serious injuries. Alcohol and Drug related collisions are preventable. We must continue to educated the public and share Deb’s message.

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