by Peter Abbarno | Nov 13, 2020 | Blog, City Council
On Tuesday, November 10, Centralia City Councilmember and Representative-Elect Peter Abbarno made the motion to not increase the City of Centralia property tax levy by 1%. Abbarno has voted against every property tax levy increase since being elected to the City...
by Peter Abbarno | Nov 3, 2020 | City Council
More than 25% of voters in the 20th Legislative District have not voted! There are only 8 hours remaining to postmark and mail your ballot or return it to a drop box. Where to find a ballot drop box!...
by Peter Abbarno | Oct 27, 2020 | City Council
The Centralia City Council allocated CARES Act money this year to organizations that have programs specifically designed to help families and businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19 and the Stay Home orders. Among the recipients, Gather Church received $75,000 for...
by Peter Abbarno | Oct 21, 2020 | City Council
More than 845,000 voters or 17.6% of Washingtonians have returned their ballots with almost two weeks remaining to election day! In Thurston County, 36% of voters were reported returning ballots, Lewis County has a 33% return rate, Clark is 16.7%, and Cowlitz has a...
by Peter Abbarno | Oct 21, 2020 | City Council
In case you missed my AM1470 KELA / KMNT Radio Candidate interview! We discuss budget deficits, proposed tax increases, and the need for open and transparent government....
by Peter Abbarno | Oct 15, 2020 | City Council
Hundreds of thousands of workers in Washington lost work and income as a result of the COVID and the Stay Home Orders. Although the federal government and State responded by passing crucial policies to expand unemployment benefits, the Governor and his Employment...