Seattle and Olympia Politicians are ignoring the will and vote of the people!
This is an example of where politicians and politics have gone horribly wrong. The people of the State of Washington were educated on both sides of the I-976 issue for many months and voted.
The people did not vote the way Seattle and Olympia wanted so ‘we are ignorant’, ‘we must be taught a lesson’, and they will legislated by force when necessary. The use of the judiciary to force unnecessary legislation or to strike down the will of the people has been overused.
Our community, like many, want a voice; and it should be heard. I-976 passed. The Legislature and Governor should take that loud and clear message and find a way to create a more effective and efficient system to improve and maintain infrastructure- not legislate from the courts.
Many of the voters I spoke with this election said there significant tax fatigue among working families and they want to send a message to Olympia that government needs to be more efficient and accountable to them.
Voters in the 2019 Election soundly rejected the imposition by the Governor and Legislature of tax after tax. The advisory votes are not binding, but surely a thermometer. The Legislature passed: HB 2158- B&O increase of $380 million; SB 5998- Real Estate Excise tax for $245 million; HB 2167- B&O increase on banks for $133 million; SB 6016- B&O on investment management companies for $59 million; HB 1873- Vaping tax for $27 million (which was spent but likely lower due to ban on flavored vaping); SB 6004- B&O tax increase for travel agents for $5 million; and all the tax incentives removed and title only bills in the dark of night.