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During the month of November, many men across the country and world take a break from shaving; also referred as No Shave November or Movember!

Whatever you grow will save a Brother, Father, Grandfather, Uncle. . .


The story that I patched together from Men’s Health and Tools of Men was that back in 2003 friends Travis Garone and Luke Slattery met in a bar in Melbourne, Australia.  One of their friends mother was currently battling breast cancer at the time and it gave them inspiration to start their own foundation to help raise awareness about men’s health causes.

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Specifically they wanted to focus on generating a men’s specific disease – prostate cancer. Since then, the Movember Foundation now helps to generate awareness for testicular cancer along with mental health and suicide prevention.

The Term “Mo”

Australia spells Mustache a bit differently – Moustache.  The Foundation combined the words ‘Moustache’ and ‘November’ to formally create ‘Movember’.  

Why Movember is important!

Male Suicide: Globally, a man dies every minute by suicide. In the United States, 75% of suicides are men. Talk-Listen-Advocate!

Prostate Cancer: Prostate Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States and over 31,000 men will die of prostate cancer annually. It is more often found in men over 60 years of age. Early detection to avoid the spreading of cancer is key.

Testicular Cancer: Testicular cancer is diagnosed in 10,000 men yearly. Although it is a small percentage of all cancers diagnosed (6 out of 100,000) there is an estimated 265,000 men living with testicular cancer (some undiagnosed) in the United States. Early detection is key.

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Whatever you Grow will save a Bro!

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