Rep. Abbarno supports the Visiting Nurses Foundation
Another fun Visiting Nurses Foundation annual golf tournament at Riverside Golf Club. The mission of the Foundation is to create funding for...
Building Industry Association Endorses Rep. Peter Abbarno
Thank you Building Industry Association of Clark County and BIAW's Washington Affordable Housing Council (WAHC) for their support of my re-election!...
New Constituents in Clark County’s 20th Legislative District
I would like to introduce myself to the newest parts of the 20th Legislative District in Clark County!
Rep. Abbarno tours Port of Kalama’s Mountain Timber Market
Rep. Ed Orcutt and I touring the Mountain Timber Market at the Port of Kalama! The Port, City of Kalama, and Kalama School District have been great...
Rep. Abbarno tours La Center; meets with Meals on Wheels volunteers
Joined City Of La Center Mayor Tom Strobehn on a tour of the City to discuss upcoming projects and priorities, and build on our already strong...
Amboy Territorial Days!
Rep. Ed Orcutt and I had a great time at the 2024 Amboy Territorial Days Celebration. A fun parade and activities at the Amboy Territorial Days...
2024 Parades
The 2024 Re-election campaign is in full swing and our volunteers are attending parades throughout the 20th legislative District. Here are some of...
Will a third time “charm” the Legislature to create permanent funding solution for rural fire districts?
Fireline (2nd Quarter 2024): An Official Publication of the Washington Fire Commissioners Association: Over the past four years as a state...
Rep. Abbarno urges ‘choose local’ at Chamber event in Centralia
The Centralia-Chehalis Chamber Business Connections- School is out. Summer has begun. The days are longer, and the weather is warmer! On the third...
Rep. Abbarno joins supporters rally for natural gas initiative at ‘super signing’ event in Centralia
The Chronicle- Supporters of an initiative to curtail Washington’s movement away from natural gas use in homes and other buildings rallied on the...