Washington’s regularly scheduled Primary is the first Tuesday of August. The top two vote-getters in each contest will move on to the General Election in November. Voters in many areas will also see local measures (questions, bonds, levies, etc.) on their August ballots.
The August Primary does not include President/Vice President.
2024 Primary Timeline
August 6, 2024 is Primary Election Day. If you are registered to vote, your ballot is mailed automatically and there’s no need to request one. Confirm or update your voter registration information today at VoteWA.gov.
July 19 is the deadline for ballots to be mailed out by county election offices; no later than 18 days prior to election day. Ballots for eligible military and overseas voters are mailed 30 days prior.
July 29 is the deadline to register or update your address online. You may also register and vote in person at a county voting center through election day.
Voters’ Guide is Available

Learn more about Peter Abbarno
E-mail Peter at Peter@ElectPeterAbbarno.com
Visit Peter’s website at www.ElectPeterAbbarno.com